

We’ve been making maple syrup for over twenty years, only recently going national with our sales. The first thing we noticed was that people outside the Northeast weren’t as familiar with the nutritious, beneficial and versatile aspects of maple. We’ve heard this often: “Well, I don’t eat that many pancakes.” Neither do we. It’s been years. Yet we use maple daily, in healthier ways.

We use it as a sweetener in our plain Greek yogurt, in our homemade granola, in our cereal and coffee, in baking, in our water bottles when we exercise instead of sugary sports drinks, and — probably too often — by the teaspoon; straight, no chaser. My life was forever changed recently when I put some on vanilla frozen yogurt. I have witnesses: I was in bliss.

Yes, it’s still sugar. But, unlike refined sugar, maple syrup is loaded with minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients that feed your body – not just your sugar craving. Using maple syrup as a replacement to refined sugar is a healthy decision. Ever seen how much refined sugar is in your yogurt or sports drink? The battle between good and evil is full-on with each gulp, the benefits of the proteins in yogurt slathered in refined sugar and the refreshing hydration of a sports drink with a dozen or so spoonfuls of the white stuff.

Start slowly, if you have to. Day by day, replace pre-sweetened options with unsweetened and add a little maple — in your oatmeal, on your cereal or in your water bottle. You’ll feel the difference, especially if you’re exercising.

Increasingly, athletes recognize maple as a tremendous and natural source for an energy kick. The maple sugar gives you a boost, and it comes with a load of zinc, potassium, manganese and magnesium. And the darker the syrup, the more minerals. All of them brought up naturally through the forest floor and passed on through spring sap that is boiled down to pure, maple syrup. It’s the strength of the forest, by the teaspoon.

Maple also just tastes good. So, forget the pancakes, and get yourself a spoon.

Daily Maple is where it’s at.